Dataverse Integration

The easiest way to connect Dataverse / Dynamics 365 with WordPress.

Gravity Forms Premium

Use gravity forms to manage your organization data


Our plugin supports Gravity Forms. So you can use it instead of our Custom or Power Apps forms
When you have created the form and clicked the Save Form button, you must also create a Dataverse Feed.
To create a Dataverse Feed, you need to click Settings -> Dataverse without closing your Gravity form.
Then click Add New, select crm table, action type(create or update) and map form columns to crm columns(set a correspondence between the column name from crm (key) and the column name from the gravity form(value)).

Dynamic column population

If you want to set default values for columns you can follow these instructions:

  1. To set default value for standard columns go to Field settings tab - Advanced.
  2. To add lookup column you should go to Add Fields tab and choose Dataverse Lookup from Advanced Fields tab. Then you need to open the Appearance tab and set default value.

If you want to set default values dynamically for columns using the form’s field_values attribute (see Dynamically Populating a Field, you can follow the following instructions.

  1. Add a new field, go to Advanced Settings and check the Allow field to be populated dynamically checkbox.
  2. Specify a parameter name just below the Allow field to be populated dynamically checkbox and save the parameter name.
  3. Map the field to one of the Dataverse columns in the Dataverse Feed settings.
  4. Remember your Gravity Form id.
  5. Go to Pages -> Add New and choose Custom HTML block

Example for setting dynamic value:

	gravityforms id="1" field_values="parameter_name=Dynamic Value"

Note: The parameter name in the field_values attribute must be the same as specified in the 2nd point.

Note: When populate a lookup parameter, use the following syntax: parameter_name=entity_name:record_id.

Example for companyid parameter name (actual column name is parentcustomerid in the contact Dataverse table):

  1. Fixed value:

  2. Using twig expressions to get dynamic value:


Lookup Fields

Lookup column supports two views for displaying the column: dropdown and dialog.
To select a view, you need to click the Add Fields tab and choose Dataverse Lookup from Advanced Fields. Then open the Appearance tab in the column settings.
If you select the dropdown, you must also select the table and view to lookup. The dialog view does not require any additional settings.
If you want to set a default value for Dataverse Lookup look at this example:


File upload columns

You can set maximum attached file size for File upload column in Gravity Forms. But you should also remember about the file size limits which are set for such columns in crm. So that your maximum attached file should not be more than the size from the crm column settings.

At current moment we don’t support uploading multiple files.

Access to a table

Be attentive with the access to tables from Maker portal. Pages, based on Gravity forms do not show any error when you try to fill in and submit the form even if you don’t have an access to this table. You click Submit and then you will see success message even when you don’t have privilege to create a new record. In that case the administrator will get an email with the details.