Dataverse Integration

The easiest way to connect Dataverse / Dynamics 365 with WordPress.

Working With Logs

This page describes how to set up logs.

Setting up logs

Dataverse Integration stores in the logs some information about received and transmitted data, logical handlers, and so on. Thus, you can easily get data and analyze it.

Log Storage

By default, collected data is stored in log files. You can change it to use database as a storage by enabling the ICDS_DB_LOGS option in the Advanced settings. Warning! By enabling this feature, the logs will fill up your database very quickly. Therefore, use it only for troubleshooting purposes. For example, when your hosting has some restrictions on writing files.

QM support

Dataverse Integration supports the QueryMonitor plugin. So you can control this feature by toggling the ICDS_QM_LOGS option in the Advanced settings.
When this feature is enabled, Dataverse Integration logs will be duplicated in QueryMonitor.

Reading logs

Some recent logs are displayed on the Status tab in the plugin’s admin area. You can view them by clicking on the Show recent logs link.
For a more detailed analysis, you can download the logs by clicking Download Logs.
You can delete saved logs by clicking Remove logs.

Advanced settings`

To configure advanced settings, navigate to the Dataverse Admin Area and open the Status tab. At the bottom of the page, you will find the Advanced settings button.

Here are some key flags to take note of: ICDS_ADVANCED_USER_BINDING - If set to true, the legacy advanced editor will be used to configure user binding. You can see changes in Bindings -> User Binding; ICDS_DISABLE_CACHE - Use this flag to prevent the caching of any Dataverse-related data.; ICDS_AUTH_KEY, ICDS_FORM_AUTH_KEY - Before connecting the plugin, make sure to set these keys. You can generate suitable keys using the online generator provided by WordPress at; ICDS_DISABLE_MONACO - If set to true, the Monaco editor will not be used on admin pages for editing, resulting in the absence of syntax hints. Instead, the Twig Plain area will be used. Conversely, if false, enjoy the Dataverse Twig area with its hints.