Dynamics 365 Integration

The easiest way to connect Dynamics 365 and Dynamics CRM with WordPress.

Multilingual Support

Dynamics 365 Integration provides limited support for multiple languages in Dynamics 365 and Dynamics CRM. Display forms and views in different CRM languages.

The plugin allows to specify a custom language to render forms and views in. To render a form or a view in a certain language, Dynamics 365 Language Pack must be installed and the language must be enabled.

In Twig


Language is specified in the form tag via language code in the language parameter.

{% form entity="contact" name="Contact Form" language=3082 %}{% endform %}

Translations come from entity attribute metadata, and form control labels are replaced by default. If you want to keep the original form labels (e.g. different forms per language are used) please specify additional parameter keep_labels:

{% form entity="contact" name="Contact Form" language=3082 keep_labels=true %}{% endform %}


You can translate table headers by specifying the language parameter in the view tag.

{% view entity="contact" name="Active Contacts" language=3082 %}{% endview %}

In shortcodes


Language is specified in the form shortcode via language code in the language parameter.

[msdyncrm_form entity="contact" name="Contact Form" language="3082"]

Translations come from entity attribute metadata, and form control labels are replaced by default. If you want to keep the original form labels (e.g. different forms per language are used) please specify additional parameter keep_labels:

[msdyncrm_form entity="contact" name="Contact Form" language="3082" keep_labels="true"]


You can translate table headers by specifying the language parameter in the view tag.

[msdyncrm_view entity="contact" name="Active Contacts" language="3082"]