Accessing Choice columns metadata
When custom forms include a choice column (previously known as an optionset or a picklist), access to the metadata is required to include all possible values as part of the markup, usually as a SELECT HTML tag.
When custom forms include a choice column (previously known as an optionset or a picklist), access to the metadata is required to include all possible values as part of the markup, usually as a SELECT HTML tag.
To add WordPress user as an object to Twig, use the following code:
To add a custom function use following filter:
To inject dynamic data outside of the page content, you can use direct code in header.php or footer.php to render the dynamic content:
When adding a registration, you may encounter a 403 error. This typically occurs if your app user hasn’t been added to the security profile.
Cache Tab
Your client secret can expire. In that case, you need to create a new client secret See more details
Entity binding provides quick and easy way to associate a page with a specific row in a Dataverse table. Row id can be passed as a parameter or an alternate key can be used out of the box. For example, if we define an alternate key called Account Number for an account table that uses accountnumber column then we can configure account page binding as following:
All API requests below require Basic Authentication.
If you need to combine values from multiple Gravity Forms fields into one other column, follow these steps:
Here is a description of our metadata for a WordPress user record.
Follow this example to retrieve multiple records:
All API requests below require Basic Authentication.
We use Monaco Editor for syntax highlighting.
When connecting WordPress instance to Dataverse/CDS, you need to verify and then save the connection configuration.
In this example, we create a form based on an account table with a lookup field from the contact table. This allow users to choose an account and a corresponding contact. To filter contacts, you can update the fetchxml part based on your specific requirements:
Use next steps to manage lookup fields in your forms: