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FetchXML queries

Use the powerful FetchXML query language in Twig to reflect your Common Data Service / Dynamics 365 data in WordPress.


FetchXML is a query language used in Common Data Service to retrieve table rows using a set of conditions. Dataverse Integration brings support of FetchXML into Twig to allow rendering collections of CRM records or individual records on WordPress pages.

Please refer to the Microsoft Docs portal to learn about constructing FetchXML queries.

Query data using FetchXML in Twig templates

Dataverse Integration provides a new Twig tag, {% fetchxml %}, which is accompanied by the required closing {% endfetchxml %} tag. Use the required collection column to specify the variable you will use to access retrieved records. Write your FetchXML query inside these tags. Use the optional cache attribute to enable query cache -- please adhere to the ISO 8601 duration specification.

{% fetchxml collection="customers" cache="PT30M" %}
<fetch mapping='logical' returntotalrecordcount='true'>
<entity name='account'>
<attribute name='accountid'/>
<attribute name='name'/>
{% endfetchxml %}

Collection structure

The returned collection contains several members:

  • xml -- FetchXML query that was sent to Dataverse.
  • error -- error message, null if no errors.
  • results -- an object that contains results of the query.
    • entities -- array of retrieved Entity objects
    • total_record_count -- total count of rows that much the conditions, i.e. without imposed pagination limits. You must set returntotalrecordcount="true" to receive the row count. See sample FetchXML with this parameter set.
    • more_records -- whether more rows are available while paginating.
    • paging_cookie -- paging cookie for pagination, see Microsoft Docs.

Display FetchXML query results on a page

Use results.entities to access the fetched rows. You can use a for loop to display a list of records (rows).

{% if customers.results.entities|length > 0 %}
{% for customer in customers.results.entities %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p>No customers found.</p>
{% endif %}

Linked tables and aliased columns

FetchXML provides SQL JOIN operations via <link-entity /> tag. Common Data Service / Dynamics 365 may provide an unreliable access name for the linked table. To mitigate that, two options are available:

  • Alias the link-entity. You will be able to access linked entity attributes via dot-notation: {{record["aliasedEntity.attributeName"]}}.
  • Alias the attributes inside link-entity. You will be able to access the aliased attributes directly: {{record["aliasedLinkedAttributeName"]}}. Keep in mind that naming collisions may occur between alias names and main entity attribute names.

If the linked entity alias matches any column name, it may result in errors or unpredictable output.

Using FetchXML Template

Use fetchXML template to add filters.

<condition attribute="address1_city" operator="eq" value="Sydney" />
<condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="OrganizationName" />

This template you can use in forms. Just choose your fetchXML template title in the Conditional access section of the form. The same choise you can make in Forms Global Settings to make this choice for all forms.

To add parameters for the template modify you template:

<condition attribute="address1_city" operator="eq" value="*city*" />
<condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="*name*" />

You can also set default value for these parameters in FetchXML section or in your form section. When you choose this template you will see whether this template has any parameters.

Also you can add a fetchXML template at the moment of binding configuration for a page.

See how to combine fetchXML templates and views XrmToolBox can help you to create fetchXML filters. See XrmToolBox documentation Use FetchXML Builder tool to get help for fetchXML creation.

How to use formattedValues

FormattedValues is a property used in the context of Dataverse. It provides a collection of formatted values for the table columns. This property is particularly useful when you need to display data to users in a user-friendly format. It is often used in forms and reports where the raw data needs to be presented in a more understandable way. Read more
This is an example of how to use FormattedValues in your code:

{% fetchxml collection="accounts" %}
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="name" />
<link-entity name="contact" to="primarycontactid" from="contactid" alias="cont">
<attribute name="createdon" />
<attribute name="modifiedon" />
{% endfetchxml %}

{% set record=accounts.results.entities[0] %}

{{ record.FormattedValues["cont.modifiedon"] }}