Accessing Choice columns metadata
When custom forms include a choice column (previously known as an optionset or a picklist), access to the metadata is required to include all possible values as part of the markup, usually as a SELECT HTML tag.
When custom forms include a choice column (previously known as an optionset or a picklist), access to the metadata is required to include all possible values as part of the markup, usually as a SELECT HTML tag.
To add WordPress user as an object to Twig, use the following code:
To add a custom function use following filter:
When adding a registration, you may encounter a 403 error. This typically occurs if your app user hasn’t been added to the security profile.
This page describes how to manage caching, including force disabling caching, configuring cache storage, and clearing the cache.
Entity binding provides quick and easy way to associate a page with a specific row in a Dataverse table. Row id can be passed as a parameter or an alternate key can be used out of the box. For example, if we define an alternate key called Account Number for an account table that uses accountnumber column then we can configure account page binding as following:
Design forms with Twig and HTML and capture submissions into your Dataverse instance.
Display column value using Dataverse Integration Fields Binding!
Build your forms and write custom twig code using Elementor!
Use the powerful FetchXML query language in Twig to reflect your Common Data Service / Dynamics 365 data in WordPress.
Get acquainted with the plugin, learn how to install and configure it properly and learn about its features and capabilities.
Use gravity forms to manage your organization data
Dataverse Integration provides a number of WordPress hooks that allow you to extend the plugin and augment its behaviour.
The page describes multilingual support in Dataverse plugin
Capture leads, feedback and other information from your website using forms designed in PowerApps and Dynamics 365.
Premium features
Link WordPress pages to Dataverse tables to provide direct access to your organization data.
This page describes how to set up logs.
When connecting WordPress instance to Dataverse/CDS, you need to verify and then save the connection configuration.
Link your WordPress users to Dataverse records to provide customized experiences, user data synchronization and extra sign-in authorization.
Link your WordPress users to Dataverse contact records to provide customized experiences, user data synchronization and extra sign-in authorization.
In this example, we create a form based on an account table with a lookup field from the contact table. This allow users to choose an account and a corresponding contact. To filter contacts, you can update the fetchxml part based on your specific requirements:
Use next steps to manage lookup fields in your forms:
Use Twig templates to create custom layouts. Access your Dataverse data and metadata in Twig to share your data with your users.
Add views to your WordPress pages to display tabular data from Dataverse and Dynamics 365.
This feature refers to advanced user maintenance using Microsoft Power Automate and is currently in preview.