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Using Twig to display the value of separate columns

Displaying Column Values

Get date column from CRM

In Dataverse Admin Area you can manage display date and time. Pay attention to the ICDS_DATETIME_VALUE setting. It has several options: Legacy, UTC, Local.

Examples for the createdon column which has User Local behavior:

{{record.createdon}}UTCUTCconvert the date and time to the user's timezone
{{record.createdon_local}}convert the date and time to the user's timezoneconvert the date and time to the user's timezoneconvert the date and time to the user's timezone

To display a column value for Time zone independent and Date only behavior , use the following Twig code snippet:

{% set["11c4c8fa-bf0e-ef11-9f89-0022489310b4"] %} 
{{ record.createdon }}

Use format_datetime() to get the value of any date column and convert its value according to user's locale and timezone.

{% set[GUID] %}
{{ record.date_column|format_datetime(dateFormat='short', timeFormat='short', locale=user.locale, timezone=user.timezone) }}

Example: we need to get Birthday column value and to see it as 11/1/22, 12:00 AM

{% set[9ff7777f-6266-ed11-9562-00224892b4a1] %}
{{ record.birthdate|format_datetime(dateFormat='short', timeFormat='short', locale=user.locale, timezone=user.timezone) }}

You can convert the default timezone by explicitly specifying a timezone:

{% set[9ff7777f-6266-ed11-9562-00224892b4a1] %}
{{ record.birthdate|date("F jS \\a\\t g:ia", "Europe/Paris") }}

You can even define your own pattern using format_datetime() See details:

{% set[9ff7777f-6266-ed11-9562-00224892b4a1] %}
{{ record.birthdate|format_datetime(pattern="hh 'oclock' a, zzzz") }}

How to calculate real GMT offset

To calculate the real GMT offset, you can use the following Twig syntax:

{{ "2024-08-11T17:39:00+03" | timezone_offset("Australia/Sydney") }}

The output: +10:00

{{ "2025-01-11T17:39:00+03" | timezone_offset("Australia/Sydney") }}

The output: +11:00

You can also use Windows timezones.

{{ "2025-01-11T17:39:00+03"|timezone_offset("Afghanistan Standard Time") }}

The output: +4:30

{{ "2025-01-11T17:39:00+03"|timezone_offset("Central America Standard Time") }}

The output: -06:00

How to Convert Date and Time to UTC or Necessary Time Zone

Use the convert_from_utc() filter to convert date and time from UTC to the necessary time zone:

{{ "2025-01-11T17:39:00+03"|convert_from_utc("Australia/Sydney") }}

Use the convert_to_utc() filter to convert date and time from a specific time zone to UTC:

{{ "2025-01-11T17:39:00+03"|convert_to_utc("Australia/Sydney") }}

Use the convert_timezone() to convert date and time from UTC to Central European Standard Time in the following example:

{{ "2025-01-11T17:39:00+03"|convert_timezone("UTC","Central Europe Standard Time") }}

Get lookup value

You can follow the examples below:

{{['ae8bca63-706a-ed11-9561-000d3a227751'].parentcustomerid.Name }}

{{['ae8bca63-706a-ed11-9561-000d3a227751'].parentcustomerid.Id }}

Choice data type column

Use formatted_value() to get the choice data type column value:

{% set["dad5909a-973c-ef11-a316-000d3ad268c1"] %} 
{{ record | formatted_value("cr1d1_choiceday")}}<br>

In this example, the output will be Monday.

Display currency column value

Also use formatted_value() to get the currency data type column value:

{% set["dad5909a-973c-ef11-a316-000d3ad268c1"] %} 
{{ record | formatted_value("cr1d1_currency")}}<br>

An example output: $2.25.

Display duration column value

When working with a duration column in your model-driven app, you can display the duration value using the format_time() filter and transform the value into minutes for further formatting.

{% set["dad5909a-973c-ef11-a316-000d3ad268c1"] %}
{{ record.cr8d6_duration*60 | format_time(pattern: 'mm min. ss sec.') }}

Read more about Date/Time Format Syntax

Display decimal and float columns

The format of displaying decimal and float columns depends on the settings of your user in Dataverse. You can follow both examples:

{% set["dad5909a-973c-ef11-a316-000d3ad268c1"] %}
{{ record | formatted_value("cr1d1_decimal")}}<br>
{{ record.cr1d1_decimal }}

An example output: 50,002.25.