Using Twig to display the value of separate columns
Displaying Column Values
Get date column from CRM and transform its value
To display a column value in UTC, use the following Twig code snippet:
{% set["11c4c8fa-bf0e-ef11-9f89-0022489310b4"] %}
{{ record.createdon }}
To convert a column value to the user's timezone, use the _local
suffix as shown below:
{% set["11c4c8fa-bf0e-ef11-9f89-0022489310b4"] %}
{{ record.createdon_local }}
Use format_datetime()
to get value of any date column and transform its value.
{% set[GUID] %}
{{ record.date_column|format_datetime(dateFormat='short', timeFormat='short', locale=user.locale, timezone=user.timezone) }}
Example: we need to get Birthday column value and to see it as 11/1/22, 12:00 AM
{% set[9ff7777f-6266-ed11-9562-00224892b4a1] %}
{{ record.birthdate|format_datetime(dateFormat='short', timeFormat='short', locale=user.locale, timezone=user.timezone) }}
You can override the default timezone by explicitly specifying a timezone:
{% set[9ff7777f-6266-ed11-9562-00224892b4a1] %}
{{ record.birthdate|date("F jS \\a\\t g:ia", "Europe/Paris") }}
You can even define your own pattern using format_datetime() See details:
{% set[9ff7777f-6266-ed11-9562-00224892b4a1] %}
{{ record.birthdate|format_datetime(pattern="hh 'oclock' a, zzzz") }}
Get lookup value
You can follow the examples below:
{{['ae8bca63-706a-ed11-9561-000d3a227751'].parentcustomerid.Name }}
{{['ae8bca63-706a-ed11-9561-000d3a227751'].parentcustomerid.Id }}
Choice data type column
Use formatted_value()
to get the choice data type column value:
{% set["dad5909a-973c-ef11-a316-000d3ad268c1"] %}
{{ record | formatted_value("cr1d1_choiceday")}}<br>
In this example, the output will be Monday.
Display currency column value
Also use formatted_value()
to get the currency data type column value:
{% set["dad5909a-973c-ef11-a316-000d3ad268c1"] %}
{{ record | formatted_value("cr1d1_currency")}}<br>
An example output: $2.25.
Display duration column value
When working with a duration column in your model-driven app, you can display the duration value using the format_time()
filter and transform the value into minutes for further formatting.
{% set["dad5909a-973c-ef11-a316-000d3ad268c1"] %}
{{ record.cr8d6_duration*60 | format_time(pattern: 'mm min. ss sec.') }}
Read more about Date/Time Format Syntax
Display decimal and float columns
The format of displaying decimal and float columns depends on the settings of your user in Dataverse. You can follow both examples:
{% set["dad5909a-973c-ef11-a316-000d3ad268c1"] %}
{{ record | formatted_value("cr1d1_decimal")}}<br>
{{ record.cr1d1_decimal }}
An example output: 50,002.25.