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For developers

The page describes aspects of the plugin that are useful for developers.




    default: '' (empty)
    Key to encrypt connection passwords. If not present AUTH_KEY is used instead.


    default: 'auto'
    Forces the specific caching method. Valid values are off, wpcache, files, auto.


    default: false
    If set to true discovery service is bypassed for on-premises instances. Note: online instances no longer use discovery services and this setting is ignored.


    default: '' (empty)
    Specifies client SDK version to pass in every SOAP call, e.g. 8.1. Passing the version is required if new data types like Choices, File, or Image are used (consult SDK documentation for the minimum version required for a specific data type).



    default: false
    If set to true disables caching CRM record for the linked site user.


    default: false
    If set to true disables WordPress managed login system.


    default: true
    If set to true replaces WordPress user roles with the roles defined in WP Identity Role records when a user linked to CRM signs in. If set to false the WordPress user roles remain unchanged. This option is only valid for WordPress-managed users; for CRM-managed users the roles defined in CRM are always enforced.