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Dynamics CRM Integration allows you to work with Dynamics CRM data using forms. Forms perform basic operations such as Create, Update, and Read.

Form shortcode uses entity forms that are defined in Dynamics CRM. Records that define the forms bear systemform as entity type.

You can create and adjust forms in Dynamics CRM and then use them in WordPress in posts, pages and other kinds of post types. The shortcode for that is [msdyncrm_form].

Shortcode syntax:

[msdyncrm_form entity="lead" name="Contact Us" mode="create" captcha="true" message="Thanks!" hide_form="true"]

Shortcode attributes

Required String Entity name, e.g. contact or lead.

Required String Form name of the specified entity, e.g. Contact Quick Form or Lead Quick Create.

Required String Form mode. Can be one of the following: readonly, create, edit, upsert.

String Name of the query string parameter that contains the ID of the record.

Boolean Add reCaptcha to the form.

String A message that is displayed after the form is submitted successfully.

Boolean Hide the form after the form is submitted successfully.

String URL to redirect to after the form is submitted successfully. If set, message and hide_form arguments are ignored. Should be a relative or absolute URL.

String Set default values for form fields.
Example: default="{firstname:John}{lastname:querystring.lastname}"

String Constrain default fields substitution to the specified modes.
Example: default_mode="{upsert},{create}" allows a default value for firstname to be set only in upsert mode, and lastname only in create mode.

String Set required fields. Allows overriding Dynamics CRM form settings for the field.

String Set optional fields. Allows overriding Dynamics CRM form settings for the field.

String Restrict lookup controls to specified entities.

String Display a dropdown instead of a lookup dialog for the specified field with records from the specified view.
Example: lookupviews="{parentcustomerid:Active Contacts}"

String Error message displayed if the form contains invalid data.

String Error message displayed if data could not be submitted to Dynamics CRM.

Boolean When set to true, https protocol is used during the form submission. If undefined, form submission follows the page protocol.

Boolean When set to true, columns and label alignment and position will follow the form definition. Default value is false, i.e. simplified form layout with a single column and labels on the left.

Boolean When set to true and entity supports annotations, file upload control is added to the form.

String Label text for the attachment upload control. Note: top label placement is not currently supported but css can be used to achieve the same effect.

Boolean When set to true, nonce check is disabled during form submitting.

Using default values

default argument receives a list of fields using a following notation: {fieldname:fieldvalue}{fieldname:fieldvalue}. Key and value are separated using a colon, and every field-value pair is enclosed in curly brackets.

For fieldname you can use any field name that is present in the form. fieldvalue may be of several different flavours which are covered below.

Simple value

You can set a static default value for a given field, e.g. {topic:Contact form submission}.

Query string parameter value

You can fill a field with a value from the query string. For instance, if you have a URL like, then {score:querystring.score} will fill the field score with value "42" right from the query string. As you can see, query string values follow the next notation: querystring.parameterName.

Currentuser value


Premium feature! This feature is available in the premium extension.

When a user marked as CRM user logs in to WordPress, they're mapped to a linked record in Dynamics CRM -- usually a contact or an account. By using currentuser as a value you can put that record's ID into the field. E.g. {parentcustomerid:currentuser} will put the current user's record ID into parentcustomerid.

Currentuser field value


Premium feature! This feature is available in the premium extension.

Similar to currentuser, you can put any record field value into the form field by using dot notation. E.g., {firstname:currentuser.firstname}{lastname:currentuser.lastname} will set firstname and lastname in the form to the values of the current user record's firstname and lastname.