Attachments in twig
The attachments stored in annotation entity are accessible using a special purpose-built URL:
where annotationid
contains the record id of the record containing the attachment. For example
The following twig fragment displays a list of attachments for the current record (defined via entity binding):
{% fetchxml collection="files" cache="PT30M" %}
<fetch mapping="logical">
<entity name="annotation" >
<attribute name="annotationid" />
<attribute name="filename" />
<attribute name="mimetype" />
<condition attribute="isdocument" operator="eq" value="1" />
<!- - optional condition filtering on entity typecode
<condition attribute="objecttypecodename" operator="eq" value="salesorder" />
<condition attribute="objectid" operator="eq" value="{{}}" />
{% endfetchxml %}
{% for file in files.results.entities %}
{% endfor %}